Tired of feeling overwhelmed by stress or anxiety?

Or sick of finding yourself in a constant state of tension, shut down, hyper-awareness or feeling amped up and unable to relax?

I always think of the Nervous System as a "cup" and when we're overwhelmed, traumatized, stressed or afraid, we fill that cup up with emotions & if we don't know how to "empty the cup" (aka process our feelings) that cup will spill over making us feel triggered, shut down, angry & overwhelmed.
Emotional Clearing is how we can empty that cup & this Email Session is one way we work on healing your Nervous System and get you out of Survival Mode.



Do you need relief?

Healing the Nervous System
Full Email Session
This is a deep dive into healing the Nervous System where we look at.....
* Identifying What's the Most Common Type of Survival Mode you go into (Fight, Flight, Freeze or Collapse)
* Identify what Triggers Your Nervous System Most (where you get stuck in your trauma or beliefs)
* Clearing the Trapped Emotions in the Nervous System as a Whole
*Clear the Secondary (and often overlooked) Triggers in Your Nervous System
* Identify How  Balanced Your Nervous System is Before & After the Session
If you've been struggling to balance or regulate your Nervous System this is a great way to go even deeper into healing & support yourself on the emotional & physical level (which we can't always reach with other modalities.)

What's Your Survival Mode?

In the first section we Identify the Main State of your Nervous System... do you tend to be in Fight, Flight, Freeze or Collapse?

This helps you understand where you go most often when Survival Mode kicks in.

What's Triggers Your Nervous System Most?

Next we look at what specifically triggers your Nervous System. This is usually a strong belief or trauma pattern you get stuck in & have trouble getting out of. 

We then clear the emotional trauma keeping you stuck there.

Overall Healing for Your Nervous System

This is a deep dive to clear the emotional & somatic trauma you hold in the nervous system using the Emotion Code Modality. Think of this as creating "space" in your system.

What is Energy Work?

What do You Overlook in Your Own Triggers?

This area looks at the secondary triggers that put you into Survival Mode. Most of the time these are your blind spot or the area that creeps in and makes things feel that much worse... clarity is key here but of course we clear the emotional trauma too!

Are you ready to let go?

An Imbalanced nervous system can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, fatigue, and a host of other issues affecting your mental and physical health.

Energy Work is a phenomenal way to support your healing. It can be done remotely to help release the emotional and somatic trauma & give you clear insight into what is actually triggering you so no more guessing what might be throwing you into survival mode!

 Each Session is done via Email & Individualized using the Emotion Code Modality. 

I Prefer a Video Session!