Processing After a Session

Oct 04, 2020

Releasing emotions can be an amazing feeling. You can instantly feel that anxiety decrease, the grief that was gripping your heart loosen or even that stabbing pain in your back let up….but… there will be times where you release emotion and you don’t immediately feel better. In fact there will be times when you actually feel tired or worn out and that’s completely normal, but it can be confusing if you aren’t aware of what is going on in your body.

When we live every day with Emotional Blocks in our body we learn how to navigate around them. They form physical discomfort, we learn to sit different. They form allergies, we stop eating certain foods. They create fears, we avoid those fears & create stories as to why those fears are real. Every time these emotional blocks are triggered our body has a physical response to releasing certain hormones into our system. This is uncomfortable and stressful for us because it creates anxiety, illness, even creates more of the same emotion that was triggered like anger per se. 

We keep accumulating these emotional blocks and storing them around our organs, our beliefs or our chakras as emotional anchors to keep those feelings in place. When we release them during a session your body has to now figure out how to create a “new normal.”  This is when you experience the processing. 

Processing can feel differently to each person and for each session. Sometimes you may just be super moody and feel grouchy, sad or depressed. This can be because you are experiencing an “echo” of an emotion that has been released from your body. Think of how long you carried the vibration of that emotion in your cells. Now that it’s gone it’s like a bell that’s been rung and needs to “echo” a few times in order to find it’s balance and stillness. The moodiness is part of the way your body is finding that calmness and recalibrating to it’s perfect blueprint. 

One of the best things you can do during this time is listen to what your body needs. It may need sleep, or food (maybe you released some blocks affecting your appetite), you may need yoga or reiki or some other type of energy work on your physical body. You could need some essential oils to help calm your nervous system such as Joy, Valor or Lavender or even Juniper (helps create emotional balance, helps fatigue & detoxes.) The most helpful thing you can do is give your body the space and time it needs to walk through this and show yourself as much love and compassion as you can possibly muster (and then add a little more!)

Crying. This one scares us more than we would like to think. It can make you feel like you somehow didn’t release properly or you are just so stuck you can’t be “fixed.” Your body is so intuitive it’s able to hold all your magnificent cells together to create this incredible person that you are. It’s doesn’t cry because it’s broken. It cries because it is so perfectly designed. When those emotional blocks are trapped in your body they are constantly triggering your body to produce the cortisol or hormone associated with that particular emotion. These hormones flood your body and create a heavy load for it to constantly manage. When we are not processing all the experiences we don’t know how to deal with, we tend to operate with these hormones running through our body as they create anxiety, stress, anger etc. Once we release these trapped emotions your body can make a decision to either process those hormones and flush them out through your kidneys, intestine, gut etc or sometimes your body will “dump” them out through your tears.  Magic right???

Your body cries because your subconscious no loner wants to hold those hormones and stress in your physical body. This is a quick way to release it. Your only work is to allow it. Allow your body to feel the things its been avoiding in order to release the things that aren’t helping you get back to who you truly are.

Remember, you have purposely been avoiding feeling these emotions that are being released because they felt too scary, too unmanageable, too terrifying and now you are releasing them but you are also acknowledging the pain they’ve caused you. It’s not uncommon to feel tired, grouchy, sad, angry or even amazing. It’s all part of the process. Maybe not your favorite part but it typically only lasts about 2-3 days and if you notice you feel great and a week later some uncomfortable feelings have come up that usually just means your subconscious is feeling strong and ready to release another layer. 

If you want a little more info on Processing I have a Processing Toolbox HERE




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