Using Divine Feminine Archetypes in Everyday Life

Oct 03, 2020


What would it feel like for YOU to really tap into the Feminine Qualities that make you, your most powerful? To see your strengths and really be able to appreciate the amazing woman that you are? We spend a large part of our life being molded & conformed to other people’s emotional trauma and pain. Fitting into their little box of safety so we don’t trigger everyone. If you’re here reading this you know that way of living doesn’t work anymore. It’s soul crushing. Not soul expanding. We need Expansion. We inherently deserve expansion.

Feminine Energy is this really amazing energy. It creates, nurtures, protects & has the ability to show strength while being concerned for the whole. It’s single desire is for everyone’s soul to be able to birth it’s dreams. To feel fulfilled. All women are capable of tapping into these incredible qualities and by breaking down the different Feminine Archetypes we all carry we can fine tune the archetype we are most powerful in & use it to really dive in and create a life that feels incredible & feeds our soul.

We all have these archetypes in us but there will be one that more soundly resonates with you & that’s where your greatest strength is going to be. So let’s dive in and see which one is calling your name.


If you have this archetype then you are a positive soul who loves to bring joy to others. You’re gifted at being able to encourage those around you and are sensitive to what others need.  You have a motherly nature that is able to nurture others into being able to see their own gifts. Your calm manner helps people ground and tune into their own emotional and physical needs. Physically you prefer activities that connect and center the Mind and Body like Yoga or Meditation. You are naturally gifted at helping others see the best in themselves. This is a more light hearted archetype so you may also notice the tendency to feel less “business” minded preferring to network and make connections in person because it’s easier for you to sense the energy in a room and “feel” your way to the best course of action.


If you have this archetype you are a creative soul who came here to find inspiration in the mundane as well as the extravagant. Your purpose in this life is to create bodies of work that evoke emotions in others. Your strength is in telling stories either literally or through the feelings you create with your art. This is not to be confused with the modern day image of the Muse that lives to inspire men to create great art. This archetype is about the fullness of YOUR OWN creative genius & how YOU chose to bring it into the world. You have the ability to create in a way that reflects the inner energy of things so others can fully experience it’s beauty. Your true strength is in the ability to create something beautiful out of any situation or medium.


If you have this archetype you are gifted as a bridge between the Physical & Spiritual World. You have the ability to intuit information from the Spirit world in order to convey messages or share divine knowledge. Your gift is about helping others understand and grieve transitions in life or to tap into divine knowledge in order to help humanity move forward into a more enlightened future. This archetype is a form of healing that occurs when people are able to hear your concise message and let go of loved ones or outdated ways of being. It is also an archetype that is becoming more common as people are able to trust their own gut and really tune into what their intuition is saying. The key to this archetype is being able to deliver messages without attaching your own worth or identity to how it is received by others.


If you have this archetype you are gifted with the ability to tune into your desire and use that powerful energy to create the life you want. It is the ability to channel your internal passion into external creation. This creation can be in the form of fashion, lifestyle or mannerisms but the end goal is to create a rich emotional response in people. For the Courtesan, desire is the optimal tool for manifesting since all creation begins with desire and passion. You approach life as an opportunity to try every possible experience and are driven to experience the richest life possible.


If you have this archetype you are motivated by the desire to engage in physical action to reach your dreams. You find strength in the physical world and ability to use your warrior mindset to break through obstacles in order to reach your goals. You are not afraid to fight for what you believe in and will not be stopped when it comes to defending others and speaking up for what you believe is right. You shine most when you are inspiring others to find their inner and outer strength and serve as an example of what true strength looks like. You are a protector of those who need your support.

 Earth Witch

If you have this archetype you are deeply connected to the Earth & it’s Cycles. You feel most centered when you are grounded and connected to the wholesome aspects of life. You have the ability to harness energy & power from Nature to use in spells/rituals and healing for yourself and others. This can be literal in form with the use of oils & food or through energy work. You are deeply connected to restoring balance to the world by showing others how to connect more deeply with their own inner knowledge. Your strength is in the ability to connect with the wounded and shadow aspects of yourself. Shining light into the darkness. You are deeply intuitive about the energetic needs of the body and can sense when something is off.

 High Priestess

If you have this archetype you are gifted with the talent of using Divine Knowledge & Connection to help guide others. This can be in the form of Coaching or Advising but can also be as simple as being an example for others to look up to. You are capable of seeing life patterns and larger lessons in life. The highest use of your talents is in leading others towards greater understanding but not carrying the burden for them. You are highly empathic and able to tune into your Intuitive gifts easily to help support others along their journey.


If you have this archetype you live for expansion. Your gifts lie in the ability to explore and experience change without judgment towards others who may live differently. You are free spirited and love the freedom that travel and adventure bring. Your interest in expansion can naturally lead you to explore other culture’s ways of living in an effort to expand your own life experience and world view. You are gifted at encouraging others to walk thru their fear of the unknown by the example you set. The trick for this archetype is to remain grounded emotionally while  exploring all life has to offer.


The most beautiful part about working with archetypes is you can call on them when you need their particular gifts. You will always have one that more closely resonates with your purpose but you have access to all of them! Because Feminine Archetypes are carried in all of us the more you start to play around with them the easier it will be to tap into them as you need them. Giving a speech? Maybe you need part Oracle and part Courtesan… part intuitive download & part passion. Standing up for you child at school? Tap into the Amazon and the Fairy… a mix of defender & grounded nurturing. There’s an endless combination of how you can call on these archetypes but most importantly call on the ones that make you feel strong and bring joy to your life!




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