Understanding the Heart Chakra

Oct 04, 2020


The Heart Chakra is the 4th Chakra in the 7 System Chakra System and helps to connect the lower 3 Chakras with the upper 3 Chakras (it’s kind of a like an energetic bridge!) It is considered the center of love and regulates our relationships, self care, emotions and our ability to balance our needs & desires with those of others.

When this powerful center is balanced you feel a sense of “wholeness” that allows you to “follow your heart” which means you are able to live from a higher place instead of from need or compulsion. When you are living from a place of balance within this chakra you find it easier to establish healthy boundaries, identify what you want from life & your connection to others is more fulfilling & healthy.


When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced you may notice that you are unable to identify your own needs, dreams or desires for your life. Imbalances can create situations were you chose other’s needs over your own, playing out the martyr archetype. You may notice feelings of jealousy and co-dependency also playing out as you are unable to fully connect with what you want from life so you create patterns of pleasing others and then becoming upset by the constant circle of pleasing others.

Another way you may notice the Heart Chakra being out of balance is through over heightened self importance. When the Ego is left unchecked by the Heart Chakra you can fall into the trap of making everything about you and your needs at the expense of others.


As much as we might not like to admit that we play out these roles at times, they are crucial to identify in order to get your Heart Chakra back into balance. The Martyr role in particular is heavily played out in our current society. When we believe that other people’s needs are more important than ours we can get thrown into this archetype.

As children when we are given space to express our desires without fear of punishment or judgement we learn to strengthen this chakra. We become safe in the knowing that living from our Heart (which is vulnerable at times) is safe & we will be loved. This gives us the courage as we grow older to stand firm in our own truth without fearing that we won’t lose our families love.

But, if you grew up in an environment that required you to self sacrifice, earn love or dim your light then playing the martyr might have become a safety mechanism for you. Consider what happens when a child grows up with multiple siblings and their parents are stressed & worn out all the time. As a child, tuned into your own desires, say you bound up to your parents asking them to take you to the park. You’re super excited & all your friends are going but when you ask, your Mom immediately shuts you down by saying “Can’t you see how much work I have to do? The world doesn’t revolve around you, you know!”

Do you feel Crushed? Ashamed? Sad? You just asked for a simple desire from your Heart & where shut down by your mom, which is a relationship that you value so deeply. Now your little emotional body starts to interpret what happened so it doesn’t ever feel that pain again. Maybe you take it to mean that “No one cares about what I want so I have to take care of myself” and you shut down a part of your Heart that let’s other’s help you. Maybe you take it to mean “Being a parent is exhausting and kids ask for too much” so when you become a parent later on you feel that way towards your kids & shut down your own ability to play.

Maybe you even feel ashamed that you aren’t more thoughtful about your mom’s workload so you start shutting down that childish playful part of yourself and decide to help her out more around the house and you in effect self punish any time you are enjoying yourself because you feel like you should be doing work instead. Maybe you vow to never be that way as a parent and so you never tell your own kids or anyone else “No” to your own detriment.

When the Martyr Role is in play you aren’t able to discern healthily between what other’s want and what you need. You put your own desires (and even rest) at the bottom of the list and chase the never ending to do list that you feel will make other people happy or love you thinking it will help your Heart to feel more Joy or Peace. It’s like having an open drain on your Joy tho, no amount of over-serving is going to comfort your Heart Chakra if you can’t find your way back to your own self.


The other side of the imbalance is when the Heart Chakra is only charged with the task of serving you and your own greatness. This happens when the Heart is operating only from a place of “I Want” type energy. In this imbalance everything is about what you think, want or dream leaving no space for others. This is when the Ego is out of control & running the show.

Operating from this place will make it hard to have lasting and meaningful relationships because there is no balance of give and take…. it’s just all take! The same holds true here as well, if you are modeling a parent or someone else who has been influential in your life it’s important to really look at how they were able to serve themselves & others in a healthy way.
If you’ve picked up patterns from people who only think about themselves at the expense of others it’s important to start breaking that pattern down.

If you operate only from a place of what YOU want and don’t consider others it will stop you from having real connections with people. In turn you will just keep talking about “ME” in order to prove to people that you are worthy which will just disconnect you more.

From this Ego place, begin to look at how people respond to you, do you feel close with anyone and are you blocking other’s from getting what they need because your energy is demanding your needs be met first.


Clearing the Heart Chakra is some of the most beautiful work because it allows you to reconnect with who you are, what you want, your soul purpose & others around you. The Heart can hold many layers of emotions across multiple life times so it’s not always a clear path but it’s always worth it. Because the Heart is such a vulnerable area, clearing it can help you shed layers of beliefs and patterns that don’t serve you in being who you came here to be.

The Fun Stuff
Schedule A Session to Clear Any Imbalances HERE
Sacral Chakra Color: Green
Frequency: 528Hz 
Toning Chant: YAM
Area: Heart, Thymus, Circulatory System, Lungs, Breast, Pericardium, Upper Back, Thoracic Spine, Shoulders


50% Complete

Two Step

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