Holding Higher Vibrations in Your Nervous System

Jan 03, 2021

 Have you ever wondered why certain nagging feelings such as worry, stress or anxiety can subside but never really leave?

Or why you can't seem to gather the steam needed to feel confident enough to go after bigger dreams?

Our bodies hold thousands upon thousands of memories in our organs, limbs and chakras but the vast majority of stressful & fearful experiences actually land in our Nervous System. Like a running memory of every experience that stressed you and made you feel bad. The experiences where you were made fun of, you felt your confidence hit the drain, you felt unsafe or felt stressed out and anxious, layer by layer, they build up in your Nervous System. 

The thing is, your Nervous System can handle A LOT... like an insane amount of stress & anxiety. Some people are actual Olympic level when it comes to how much they can hold in their Nervous System. If you grew up in a stressful home or have had experiences where you had to grit and bear it to get through, then chances are, you are also Olympic level. When you do this, you keep cramming these experiences and feelings into your Nervous System and just like a bucket that can overflow, so can your Nervous System. Have you ever had a moment where you had already had a stressful day and someone said something that just set you off? That's the feeling of the bucket overflowing!


When your Nervous System is loaded with these stressful experiences it makes it harder to do simple things like make decisions, relax, deal with difficult people, make changes in your life, feel safe, feel happy, enjoy simple moments, feel confident, dream about your future and actually take steps towards it. 

The reason is that when your Nervous System is overwhelmed, your body will do everything in its power to avoid any type of changes , difficult conversations or anything that feels risky. Your Nervous System is like a full bucket... one more cup of water (aka stress) and it will overflow. This threat of overflowing is what you notice when you feel like you are going to "break" or running hard all day and find it hard to come back down and rest or turn off your brain or even work and be present for your life and the people you care about. 

When the Nervous System is overloaded, it's keeping you stuck "ON" and in this feeling of needing to be alert, on guard and always moving. This feeling takes up so much of your energetic bandwidth that it makes it hard to raise your vibration. You get accustomed to becoming a moving target and that starts to feel like safety to you but truly, it's just your body's way of trying to cope. So many of us get stuck in this cycle running from task to task without realizing we are a bucket about to overflow and simply can't come down enough to rest in a way that feels safe.


The good stuff...

When your Nervous System is clear you are talking about a whole different ball game. This is where you vibration can really start to expand. Each time we clear or release a layer held in the Nervous System, you get more access to your own resiliency, your ability to set bigger goals increases, feelings of happiness are easier to reach, you can actually feel calm & your own unique gifts are easy to see. The reason for this is that when your body and energy field are not constantly dealing with trying to feel safe, they are free to focus on the things that actually matter to you and can move your life forward. 

Energetically, the ability to clear and then EXPAND your Nervous System will equip you more easily (and less stressfully!) handle bigger and bigger responsibilities, dreams & situations in your life. This means that the fear that might be keeping you from even realizing what you are capable of, won't be in the way any more. The situations that you've been avoiding dealing with because you can't handle the stress, you will now feel calm and capable of dealing with them. It also means that as your Nervous System is less overwhelmed, your vibration will start rising and you will begin to manifest better opportunities & experiences in your life. 

It also means that you will feel better, every single moment of every single day. This will improve your relationships, your achievements, how healthy & good you feel in your body, you will have more energy & any stressful situation that pops up in your life will feel much less like a big deal than it did before. No more staying up at night stressing about what COULD happen or HOW things could play out. Instead, you will be able to problem solve and feel less triggered. 

When we clear the Nervous System it happens in layers. We release what you are ready to let go of on that day and then give you a few days (at least 3-5) before we clear the next layer. Once your Nervous System is cleared you usually notice fairly quickly how much calmer and less triggered you feel by the people and situations in your life. This gives you the chance to set new goals and feel safe enough to try new things. For most of us, once our Nervous System is clear it gives us "space" to dream bigger, speak our minds & realize what we are capable of. In fact, our Nervous System runs along our spine, the same place as our Chakras so as we clear it, we support our own energy centers in being able to expand as well. (If you are new to Chakras you can check them out HERE)

What are you ready to personally let go of that's causing your stress? What are you ready to expand into? 

 If you are working on expanding your Vibration or simply stepping into bigger dreams for yourself, clearing the Nervous System so it can actually handle higher vibrations is a must. It helps you become capable of not just holding but maintaining the higher vibrations without stressing your body and emotions out. If you are interested in clearing your Nervous System we can always do it via an Email or Video Session which you can Schedule HERE.

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