6 Ways to Raise Your Frequency : Raising Your Vibration

Oct 04, 2020
6 Reasons Your Frequency Plateaus (and what you can do to shift it)

Frequency is pretty much the Holy Grail when it comes to healing, spiritual work, using your intuitive gifts… I could go on and on because your ability to hold a higher frequency translates into how good you feel emotionally, physically and spiritually. It’s also a tangible number that can be muscle tested to tell you exactly where you stand at any given moment (we check this in the Free Facebook Group Weekly: AUGUST KNOX NOMAD GROUP)

So what happens when you hit a plateau in how high your frequency can go? Are you doomed to stay there just because you’ve been stuck there for the past 6 months or are you feeling discouraged because you haven’t gotten it as high as you want? Fortunately, increasing your capacity to hold a higher frequency is not hard & is something that you can shift quickly with a little intention & awareness.

Let’s take a look at the 6 Most Common Reasons Your Frequency Plateaus:

#1 Your Story Needs Healing

This is by far the most common block holding our Frequency down & also the one that you can expect to return to over and over again no matter how much work you’ve done. Think of your ability to hold a high a Frequency as a balloon. When you first start your spiritual work, you are the balloon that hasn’t been stretched. You are straight out of the package. There’s only so much air (energy) you can hold. This is how our energy bodies are when we first start this journey. Due to the experiences, pain, limiting beliefs or inherited patterns we carry, we are only capable of holding a certain frequency at any given time.

The more you dig into your story and begin to heal and grown the more your balloon stretches and the greater capacity you have to hold more air (energy.) Now, just like the balloon, just because we can hold a higher capacity doesn’t mean we will. Sometimes we won’t hold the highest vibration we could because the expansion hurts or causes us to change form. When this happens, we are usually running head first into more healing that needs to take place or pushing past our own limiting beliefs.

We will continually do this over and over again in our lives. It’s not because we haven’t healed but because we are expanding upon the lessons and growth we’ve already made. It’s the equivalent of going from elementary school to high school and then off to college. The reason you will notice the same situations, ages or experiences come up throughout your work is because you’ve already got that experience that can be used as a lens to understand the next lesson. You simply don’t need to create a similar situation in order to expand the lesson & that’s something to be grateful about!

#2 Your Environment is Low Frequency

This is something to consider as you are growing and upleveling. There will be times when you’ve done the work, you’ve made the change & you’ve healed all the things and you are still stuck in environments that are low vibing.

This could show up at home, work, the friends you hang out with or even things like the stores & businesses you shop at. You will grow as you do this work and the places you used to frequent may not be an energetic match anymore. This doesn’t mean to quit them cold turkey (unless that makes you happy!) but to consider that when you were vibrating at a lower frequency they may have been a match for you energetically. Now that you have expanded your frequency though, they may no longer be a good fit.

You will notice this happening when certain places start to feel “off.” Maybe the colors in the place seem harsh, the conversation seems draining, you aren’t able to fully express yourself or maybe you leave that environment feeling completely drained and it takes time to get back to feeling good. It could even show up in your own home as feeling like you are “over” the furniture, your clothing or even the aesthetic. These are all signs to dive in and see what can be improved, let go of or exchanged for something better.

We are ALWAYS in some type of environment. Make sure that it is supporting your frequency and not draining it.

#3 Physical Health

Your actual body plays an enormous role in how high of a frequency you are able to hold. When it is feeling run down, under nourished, unloved or has feelings of shame projected on it, it will make it hard to increase your frequency.

We are just as much a physical being as we are a spiritual being and feeling less than safe & caring towards the body you live in will make it hard to hold a steady vibration. When we’ve gone through painful experiences or high levels of stress our physical body can be a dangerous place to exist in. For this reason we tend to flee from it in favor of doing the spiritual work only in our upper chakras. This leaves us feeling absent from our body and can also create continuous mental chatter where we are trying to “figure out” everything. This just serves to pull us further away from ourselves and when we aren’t present with all of us (Mind, Body & Spirit) then it’s hard to hold a high frequency.

If this is an area you know has some resistance, pay attention to what you can do to bring more safety & self compassion into your day to day life. This could mean getting support to work through the emotional pieces, higher vibrational foods (think fruit & veggies,) body work (massage, acupuncture, reiki,) or grounding your feet on the earth and simply asking the universe for help.

Grounding more firmly into your physical body & supporting it through food, movement & self care will help you make some big changes in your frequency & the ability to hold that vibration on a physical level.

#4 Resisting the Changes You Need to Make

This type of plateau happens when you know there are things you need to change in your life (habits, patterns, self care etc) and you have resistance to making those changes. Some common reasons that resistance shows up after you’ve already started the healing & growth work include:

  • Feelings of Unworthiness get triggered around the changes you need to make. For instance, if you are trying to work on self love, then implementing self care by taking time for yourself could make you feel bad because you think you should be spending time working a little harder or taking care of your household instead. Look for what feelings are behind the resistance.
  • The Change is something you’ve never done before or have done in the past with little success and you are afraid of not doing it right. When it comes to frequency, showing up and trying counts for a whole lot more than being too afraid to start at all. You don’t have to do something perfectly to see an impact in your vibration. In fact, how you feel while you are working on the changed behavior or pattern is the key. You could do something perfectly and have a sour attitude and it would essentially pull your frequency down, whereas if you show up happy to be trying you can more positively impact your vibration.
  • Feelings Discouraged or holding beliefs that even if you make the change it won’t matter. Things may have failed in the past. They may have even hurt in the process but what you experience NOW does not have to be a reflection of the past. The simple act of choosing to try again to create that change will create positive motion and just like a dog with a bone, don’t give up on what you want or need until you get there.

#5 You Are Afraid of Who You Will Need to Be

You know that image you hold in your head of who you want to be and how you want your life to look? It holds clues to what your higher vibration holds & who you will be. If you dream of yourself as this peaceful person who is able to help their family, travel at will & leads a life, understand that the only difference between you now and you in that dream is the change you need to create in yourself. This change is who you will need to grow into.

Sometimes we can become afraid of who we will need to be and what that will do to our current life, relationships & habits. You may be fighting the things you have to give up or change now because you have fear around what others will think, being worthy of being that person, doubts you can handle the responsibility, fears you aren’t smart enough… the list goes on and on. Look at those fears. What is making you afraid to show up as that person?

#6 You Haven’t Integrated Your Healing & Growth

This is a vital step to increasing your Frequency. In order to expand your capacity and hold higher frequencies you have to be able to integrate your work between the Mind, Body & Spirit. This means that it’s not enough to just “know” it, you have to embody the changes and growth you’ve made.

This happens when you make space in your life for your subconscious to assimilate all the information, wisdom & clarity you’ve worked so hard on and your story is shown grace & compassion. The need to fight your story or run from it no longer exist. Your story no longer defines you but it also no longer lives outside of you. This is a space of peace within yourself that allows you to stop the internal struggle and create harmony within the body. It is from this harmony that your internal frequency can expand because everything is in resonance.


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