Understanding the Sacral Chakra

Oct 04, 2020


The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra in the traditional 7 Chakra System & is the energetic center of your Creative & Sexual Energy. This powerful center develops between 6 mo- 2 years and helps you to create awareness about what brings you pleasure, how to tap into your creative abilities & your emotional body.

When the Sacral Chakra is balanced and flowing it allows you to feel vibrant & playful in the way you show up in the world & supports the ability to create the life you want with ease & joy. This center is heavily connected to your emotional body therefor it helps to develop your “gut instincts” by strengthening your inner guidance through the ability to easily identify what feels good.


When the Sacral Chakra is blocked you will find it hard to tap into this Creative Energy & can notice a lack of pleasure in your life. This could mean that you find it hard to dream about what you want, are unable to enjoy what you have, your creative flow has ceased or even that you lose your appetite on a physical & spiritual level.

If you grew up in a home where there was a lack of fun and everything was about working hard or not expressing your emotions then it could be difficult for you to tap into this energy. These experiences create stories about it not being necessary to enjoy life and can keep you stuck in the loop of constantly working or trudging along. It can also create resistance around the right to show up and fully express yourself.

Blocks in this chakra can result in imbalanced sex drive, health issues in the pelvic/reproductive organs, difficulty connecting to and trusting others & lack of ability to create pleasure/joy in your everyday life.

Here are some signs to look out for:

  • You’re addicted to anything that brings pleasure such as food, gambling, sex, work, alcohol, drugs, compulsive buying, etc.
  • You feel emotionally numb or cold, and you find it hard to feel very much of any kind of emotion
  • You’re sexually frigid, and you have a low to non-existent libido, OR …
  • You’re sexually impulsive, and your libido tends to be in overdrive
  • You’re neurotic, and you can’t handle spontaneity or uncertainty
  • You’ve got reproductive problems such as infertility, impotence or menstrual issues
  • You’re constantly fatigued, and you have little energy for anything
  • You feel inhibited and repressed from expressing your true feelings and desires, OR …
  • You’re extremely emotionally reactive, and you’re a drama junkie
  • You’re emotionally hypersensitive OR emotionally aloof
  • You’re creatively blocked, and you tend to overthink everything
  • You have lower back, kidney or stomach disorders

Sexual Imbalances

The Sacral Chakra is the Chakra that absorbs energetic & emotional impact when you suffer any type of abuse (especially sexual) because when it’s violated the body tends to shut it down in order to self protect. If you have experienced this it can be hard to open it back up so it feels safe again, to enjoy life & be vulnerable. It can also create resistance to being able to ask for what you want or need in life if you feel that it’s not safe or you can be afraid to actually experience pleasure in any form. Remember, even if you don’t fully recall the experience of Abuse, your body can. So, if you notice issues around this chakra it may be a signal that you need some emotional/energetic healing in this center.


The Chakra is also the center of your Creative Abilities. You know those times that you are so in the flow that things just “create themselves?” This center helps to get you in the flow where you are able to birth new things into existence (both literally…hello babies! and figuratively…an amazing business, artwork etc) It acts as a “bridge” if you will, between the metaphysical and physical so if you are noticing issues creating the life you want, business you dream of, having children or a great relationship there could be a block here.

One way that we can become blocked in this area is if you’ve had experiences where you’ve fully expressed yourself and were shut down. This is a very vulnerable chakra because it reflects our ability to create from a place that is most important and true to us through the use of our emotions. Showing up and REALLY expressing yourself can feel dangerous at times & if you were shut down as a child. This means that it could become a new skill set for you to learn as an adult.

Emotions & Manifesting

No Sacral Chakra post would be complete without talking about emotions. This center is a powerful emotional center. When it comes to Manifesting it’s our ability to get crystal clear on how we want to feel when we manifest that dream or desire that gives it the jet fuel to appear and emotions are the catalyst. When you combine the Sacral Chakra’s ability to add creative energy to your emotions then your creating a powerful force for manifestation. Combine that with the ability to fully embrace the JOY/PLEASURE it would bring you and it becomes an unstoppable force fro creating what you want in physical form. Just another bonus of this Chakra!

Clearing the Sacral

When you work on clearing the Sacral Chakra it can be a balance of clearing traumatic experiences you’ve had, fears around expressing yourself or resistance to feeling pleasure. These imbalances can be from personal experiences, inherited family experiences or even trauma we’ve absorbed on a collective level.

Like all emotional clearing it’s a matter of identifying what is triggering you most, releasing the emotions & energies around it and then working to cultivate a more supportive belief system so you can fully use this amazing center!

The Fun Stuff

Schedule A Session to Clear Any Imbalances HERE

Sacral Chakra Color: Orange

Frequency: 417Hz 

Toning Chant: VAM

Area: Reproductive Organs, Adrenals, Bladder, Urinary Tract, Kidneys, Sacral Nerve


50% Complete

Two Step

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