Understanding the Root Chakra

Oct 04, 2020

When I started working with the Emotion Code one of the first questions I muscle tested was “Can we measure the Chakras??” Of course the answer was “YES” because energy (duh) which led me down a serious rabbit hole to test every chakra and clear them regularly for myself and any unsuspecting soul who would let me test them! Fast forward to now and they are still just as fascinating as ever. Think about how amazing it is to know what each chakra does and then being able to know the exact emotions and experiences that have been blocking it… POWERFUL right?

Because it’s such amazing insight I wanted to do a mini blog series on how each Chakra impacts you in the work of Spiritual Growth & Re-writing Your Limiting Beliefs. Who couldn’t use a bit more clarity and insight into why you do what you do?


The Root Chakra is the first chakra in the system of 7 Chakras we are all familiar with. It really lays the solid foundation for all the other chakras to operate from so it’s really important that it’s functioning from a place of balance. Otherwise it can impact the ability of the other chakras to operate.

The Root Chakra defines our stability & security in life. It’s what helps to keep us grounded and present in our bodies and helps support that feeling of being safe in the world when our basic needs are met. This chakra forms its “beliefs” up to around 2 years of age. This is the time when we are too young to take care of ourselves so how well we are taken care of, loved or have our needs met by those around us really influences how safe and supported we feel going forward in our life.


Root Chakra imbalances tend to be rooted in our early childhood experiences with our parents, their money stories, our basic needs & safety. If you grow up in an environment that is secure & you were well taken care of then this may not be an area that you have trouble operating from.

If however, you grew up in a home that struggled with money, was unsafe or you experienced any type of neglect (emotional or physical) then it could be very difficult for you live from a place of balance in this chakra because you simply never had the experience of what that support and safety felt like. It would be like trying to speak a language you never learned.

Some of the ways this imbalance can show up are:

Money Blocks & Scarcity:
Experiencing financially scarcity at such a young age can impact you later in life because that is your “norm.” You learned at such a young age that money was difficult to earn, keep or hold onto so you continue to repeat the pattern. You may experience times where money easily flows into your life but then just as easily all flows back out. This pattern keeps recurring because you have developed patterns or beliefs that aren’t consistent with the safety and stability that money provides.

Because you never learned how to easily call in and hold that money, part of you is still feeling like “it’s too good to be true” or “I don’t deserve it” or some other variation of what you learned about money at this age.

If you were physically unsafe as a child it can be hard later in life to be fully present in your body, leaving you feeling un-grounded or “flighty.” The reason for this is two fold. When we experience physically unsafe moments we can leave our body energetically to avoid the pain. It’s the equivalent of our spirit leaving our body to seek safety elsewhere. This can make it hard to trust that being fully grounded and present in your life is safe because you are afraid that pain or trauma will sneak up on you again so you are always part way “out the door” in case you need to run quickly. For more info on how this affects you energetically check out this VIDEO.

The other reason is that because our spirit is always aware of the emotions and experiences we have yet to process, sometimes we stay in that state of being “out of our body” in order to avoid having to deal with it because we don’t know how, we don’t want to or simply don’t have the tools to process it.

Safety can be a really big imbalance if you grew up with trauma or abuse because you don’t trust “Safety” or that other people can support your safety. This can lead to situations where you put yourself in more unsafe situations because you don’t trust that safety can exist. In effect you are seeking those unsafe experiences or relationships that way you won’t be surprised by them. It can definitely lead to a cycle that can be hard to break if you aren’t aware of it.

The other aspect of Safety is that when you are always on guard about staying safe you can miss out on opportunities to grow, live from your purpose, try new things or be brave because that fear lives inside of you. When it comes to any of these concerns, identifying and working to release the emotional pain in your body is a powerful way to help you re-write the story and create a more empowering belief that strengthens your Root Chakra.

One other issue worth looking at with the Root Chakra is that when we are denied our basic needs or safety as children (or even adults) it can be hard to feel like we deserve to feel safe and at peace financially, physically & emotionally. The lack of a firm foundation in childhood showing us we are loved, seen and supported makes us feel like it’s not “normal” to have those things by default and instead we overwork to earn them or prove we deserve them. The energy of trying to earn what every human inherently deserves is major issue within the Root Chakra.

For this reason, you may notice the emotions of Unsupported, Unworthy, Discouragement & Self Abuse showing up. These emotions tend to become our driving force to prove we deserve something or we push ourselves to overwork in order to earn something. The feeling is that if we work hard or earn it that no one can take it from us.


When it comes to being able to use your Intuitive Gifts or Manifest the Root Chakra plays an important role. It is the chakra that helps us ground our bodies physically so we can tap into the higher chakras and it also helps to act as a “bridge” for manifesting things from the energetic to the physical world. If you notice that your manifesting is not effective or that you are having trouble “staying in your body” when you use your higher chakras it could be an indicator that you need to release some blocked emotions or energies in the chakra.

The Fun Stuff

Schedule A Session to Clear Any Imbalances Here

Root Chakra Color: RED

Frequency: 396 Hz 

Toning Chant: Lam

Adrenal Glands, Muscles, Bones, Hip Joints, Coccygeal Vertebrae, Immune System (generally), Bladder, Rectum, Lower Extremities, Elimination System, Large Intestine, parts of the Genitals & shares responsibility for the Kidneys & Prostate.


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