Anytime we feel like our heart will break or that we can't get through something... we have the potential to build a Heartwall.
Essentially, the Heartwall is a layer of protection that we build up around our hearts to keep ourselves safe. In those moments where we feel unsafe, unloved or heartbroken, we pull in our unhealed emotions and begin to build this layer of protection around our hearts to keep us from feeling the pain.
A lot of us (especially empaths) build them as children to protect ourselves from our emotions and the overwhelming feelings that come from not knowing how to deal with them.
And then year by year, experience by experience we build this layer of protection thicker and thicker around our hearts, numbing us out to our feelings (along with the good emotions) and putting a barrier up in our relationships making it hard to find authentic connection and feel loved.
There are 5 Major Childhood Experiences that set us up to build a Heartwall.
Feeling like you need extra support? Book a Session HERE
Ever feel drained by a person or experience? Or maybe you feel exhausted even thinking about having to deal with a particular situation in your life?
With all of the planetary and energetic changes the Earth is experiencing right now it’s crucial to have tools that help you call back your energy so you can identify instantly what energetic connections area supporting you and which are draining you.
Your ability to nurture, direct and protect your energy is directly related to how you experience life. Who wouldn’t want to learn how to manage that better!
Imagine you were given this glass bowl full of different colored sparkling marbles. Now imagine that all of these marbles represent pieces of your energy. You have complete control over these marbles. You can give these marbles away to anyone or situation you want. You are in control.
Now let’s say your rotten terrible sister in law who looks like a dragon comes over to celebrate your kid’s birthday. While...
Energetic Weapons can be some of the sneakiest of the Energy Wounds we face when we don’t know what we are looking for. They have the ability to inflict physical pain or illness, blocks to abundance, fears and can make it impossible to forget a situation and move past old relationships. Have you ever had a friendship end poorly and no matter how hard you tried to move on you just couldn’t? More than likely it’s because you have some type of Energetic Wound connecting you still making it impossible to fully call back all of your energy.
There are a lot of different ways that Energetic Wounds can show up…. Cording, Saboteurs, Curses, Despair Anchors etc. For this post I want to look at Saboteurs & the ways they appear in my work.
A Saboteur is an Energetic Weapon that is created by someone with the intent of causing harm and placed unknowingly in your energy field. On occasion if you practice extreme Self Abuse it is possible for you to place your own...
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