How Your Emotions Cause Weight Gain

Have you ever though about how being the “Perfect” weight can almost be more good than you can handle….

If you’ve already seen the Video on Weight & Emotions you know how closely the Emotions we’ve trapped are causing us to hold weight in order to feel safe but what if you are actually AFRAID to lose weight & don’t realize it?

(Check out the Video on Weight & Emotions HERE)


Think about it…

We all have several major areas in our life that we are constantly idealizing like a movie in our heads… Our Relationships, Our Bodies, Our Money & Our Career (Purpose.) Imagine you could push a button and each of those areas could instantly transform into the vision you see inside your head. Really think about this. What if right now you instantly had that dream relationship, perfectly fit body, more wealth than you honestly need and you were completely living your dream career and being acknowledged for the amazing...

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