Energetic Weapons & Negative Energies are one way that others can influence our lives and energy in a negative way. Below are some of the most common examples of the ways they can show up and how they can impact your life.
Miasms are distortions in your energy field that are inherited from an ancestor. When you have an ancestor who had an unhealed trauma that didn't quite manifest into an illness, they can create a distortion in their own energy field. This distortion can then be passed down to other members of the family. It can then manifest into an illness for you or other member's of your family because it's looking for someone to recognize it and heal it.
It will typically show up as being triggered by a particular emotion in an organ of the body. For example, Sadness held in the Lungs could manifest as Lung issues through your family line and the root cause is unhealed Sadness...
Did you know that there are multiple ways you can take on and hold Emotional Energies?
As Empaths & Intuitives it can be really easy to confuse the source of the emotions we are holding onto because we are so sensitive to what other people are feeling.
In this video I share the 4 (ok, really 5!) ways we experience Emotional Energies.
Notice lately how much harder it’s been to move ahead in life? The energy of this past month has triggered a lot of Frustration & Rejection in our mindsets and for good reason. It’s trying to get you to look at the bigger picture. It’s telling you to stop getting in your own way. To find new tools, to let yourself be vulnerable and yes, to even ask for help.
Sounds easy but it most definitely isn’t. The problem with finding out our old tools don’t work is that we usually haven’t created new ones so we are left a bit stranded and confused. We know we need to move forward but we have no idea how and the ways we used to trudge ahead no longer work… like at all!
Enter the major Emotion of this part in your Journey… Frustration. Yuck, right? No one wants to feel that when it comes to Love, Family or Money. It is really just the epitome of everything we DON’T want to feel. So let’s re-write that....
There are going to be days that you just can’t get yourself moving. You feel exhausted physically & emotionally. You’re tired of working through things, you’re tired of healing, you just want to lay in bed or quit altogether. No matter how much healing you do these days are bound to happen.
First thing you want to do when you feel this happening is check in with your body on a few key things:
If the Heart Chakra is considered the Empress of the Chakras then the Heartwall is basically the cage you build around it. Energetically you have every intention of keeping it nice and safe inside this cage but all you really do is suffocate it & block it from being able to give you the guidance & joy you need in life.
(More info on the Heartwall HERE)
When it comes to the Chakras, the Heart Chakra is one of the most powerful energies you can tap into to find your purpose, live joyfully & be Divinely Guided. It’s more powerful than the brain and functions solely to help you tap into what you REALLY want from life…. like crystal clear, no doubt about it, life rocks kind of info. This is why it is so important to make sure you’ve released your Heartwall. If you’re familiar with the Heartwall you know that one of the 5 symptoms is Numbing Out Emotions which in turn makes it hard to find your Purpose and therefor missing your greatest sources of...
Energetic Weapons can be some of the sneakiest of the Energy Wounds we face when we don’t know what we are looking for. They have the ability to inflict physical pain or illness, blocks to abundance, fears and can make it impossible to forget a situation and move past old relationships. Have you ever had a friendship end poorly and no matter how hard you tried to move on you just couldn’t? More than likely it’s because you have some type of Energetic Wound connecting you still making it impossible to fully call back all of your energy.
There are a lot of different ways that Energetic Wounds can show up…. Cording, Saboteurs, Curses, Despair Anchors etc. For this post I want to look at Saboteurs & the ways they appear in my work.
A Saboteur is an Energetic Weapon that is created by someone with the intent of causing harm and placed unknowingly in your energy field. On occasion if you practice extreme Self Abuse it is possible for you to place your own...
Do you know that feeling when you know some of what you do want, a lot of what you don’t want & yet you still can’t really define what it is you are after? You know you want a career that fuels you, you want to be paid well & you want to work with people you enjoy… but… you still have no idea what that actually looks like?? So Frustrating!
Knowing what we DON’T want is great but it doesn’t really answer that nagging question of “what should I work towards.” It basically just leaves us with empty space and not a lot of guidance on what to create. You can say you don’t want a job that requires you to work overtime but that doesn’t necessarily mean you will be happy working a normal 9-5 job either. It could mean that you actually want to start a non-profit to meet your dreams of helping in the world in a very feet on the ground type of way which is vastly different than settling for a 9-5 hourly job! Those extra...
Abundance is such a hot topic, and for obvious reasons. We all want to have more ease, more resources to work with & the fun of being able to have new experiences! Inevitably when you are working on up-leveling your Manifesting Game, you run into some roadblocks with your beliefs.
This is where REALLY knowing what is blocking you comes in handy. Muscle Testing can be used for many things but working with Abundance is one of the most exciting….because our blocks are rarely what we think they are! We can have Money blocks stopping us in several way: Generational (Family History), Trauma (Spiritual or Emotional), or Personal Vows & Beliefs. Let’s break those down:
These are Money Blocks that come to us because of the Family we are born into. They can passed down in our DNA as Inherited Trapped Emotions (i.e. Failure, Unworthy etc) or they can be from experiences we witnessed growing up. If for instance your parent’s...
Have you ever felt like you couldn't really connect to the good feelings & great life you KNOW you were meant to create?
The Heartwall is a very particular layer of energy that we build around the Heart anytime that we feel like it's going to break and we won't be able to survive. It is formed in the moments when we feel too vulnerable & unprotected.
Little by little we take the unprocessed emotions we are holding onto and build this layer of protection around the heart. Adding inch by inch over the years to keep ourselves safe. Being able to identify and release those emotions can be lifechanging. It is the invitation to show up in your life more authentically as yourself & to be able to truly connect with the people and experiences that light you up. Below are some of the ways that the Heartwall can impact you.
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