Negative Self Talk

Negative Self  Talk

This is one of those areas that can show up as the drive to be perfect. To do more. To do better because you never feel like you’ve done enough. It hides under the guise of being a “perfectionist”…. I know… what could be wrong with wanting something to be perfect right? We all want to do a good job. To feel proud of what we’ve accomplished and make sure we deliver what we agree to deliver.

This negative self talk is really a culmination of all the things you’ve been told or believe about yourself to be lacking, hiding under the mask of needing to get it “right.” For most of us, it starts early in our life when feel like we have to earn some type of love or appreciation. Maybe you were told you weren’t good enough so you choose to prove people wrong. Maybe you are afraid to get something wrong because there’s fear of some type of consequence you’ve had in the past. Either way,...

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2019 Re-Post: Leveling Up & How to Crush Your Goals

It’s that time of year…

Resolutions. Goals. New Year. New You.

But how do you plan for a New Year when those words don’t spark any type of fire in your belly?

So many times we use New Year’s Resolutions as a form of punishment against what we didn’t accomplish the year before. This year let’s work towards something that actually FEELS better and a journey that is actually FUN! No more dredging up forms of self inflicted punishment. What if this year could be about testing what feels good and getting rid of what doesn’t? I would sign up for that… cuz I’m sure not signing up for another year of restrictions and self inflicted punishment. #pass

#1 It’s all about Leveling Up

A new set of goals should never be about what you didn’t do, who you aren’t  or how you missed the mark. New goals should be about how you can Grow & Level Up in your life. Switching the way you view goals from a mindset of...

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Creating an Abundance Mindset: Identify the Patterns Blocking You

Abundance Mindset

Most of the time when we hear people speaking about Emotional Blocks in relation to Abundance or Wealth we get a super vague sense of what the issues could be. Yeah, our family wasn’t the perfect model of Wealth & Success but there’s only so much digging into your family history & journaling you can do before you go “WTF!” You really need solid answers and absolute direction in order to really untangle your Money Story. Not a half baked plan for vision boarding your way to greatness… no offense Vision Boards… you are a tool but not true healing.

3 Major Blocks

 If you’ve read my other post on  EMOTIONS & BLOCKS then you are familiar with the 3 Main Types of Abundance Blocks we can identify with Muscle Testing: Generational, Trauma & Karmic. Think of these as the foundation of your Abundance Mindset. You may have all 3 contributing to your current State of Abundance but there will always...

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Manifesting Your Dreams

Do you know that feeling when you know some of what you do want, a lot of what you don’t want & yet you still can’t really define what it is you are after? You know you want a career that fuels you, you want to be paid well & you want to work with people you enjoy… but… you still have no idea what that actually looks like?? So Frustrating!

Knowing what we DON’T want is great but it doesn’t really answer that nagging question of “what should I work towards.” It basically just leaves us with empty space and not a lot of guidance on what to create. You can say you don’t want a job that requires you to work overtime but that doesn’t necessarily mean you will be happy working a normal 9-5 job either. It could mean that you actually want to start a non-profit to meet your dreams of helping in the world in a very feet on the ground type of way which is vastly different than settling for a 9-5 hourly job! Those extra...

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How Emotions Create or Block Abundance

Abundance is such a hot topic, and for obvious reasons. We all want to have more ease, more resources to work with & the fun of being able to have new experiences! Inevitably when you are working on up-leveling your Manifesting Game, you run into some roadblocks with your beliefs. 

This is where REALLY knowing what is blocking you comes in handy. Muscle Testing can be used for many things but working with Abundance is one of the most exciting….because our blocks are rarely what we think they are! We can have Money blocks stopping us in several way: Generational (Family History), Trauma (Spiritual or Emotional), or Personal Vows & Beliefs. Let’s break those down:


These are Money Blocks that come to us because of the Family we are born into. They can passed down in our DNA as Inherited Trapped Emotions (i.e. Failure, Unworthy etc) or they can be from experiences we witnessed growing up. If for instance your parent’s...

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What Is the Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is an incredible tool for helping you identify the Emotional Baggage or Trauma that is keeping you from stepping into the life you want to live. It's an Energy Healing Modality that allows us to muscle test for the Emotional Experiences that are holding you back, causing you pain or keeping traumatic experiences trapped in the body.
The Basics
As we go throughout life we have experiences that don't always go as planned. These experiences might be ones that are out of our control, unsafe, painful or even confusing. For most of us, when this happens (especially when we are young) we don't know how to deal with them. Sometimes it's because it's unsafe to have any feelings at all in the moment, we may not have the tools to deal with it or we may stuff it way down because we are too afraid to feel it. 
When this happens, those emotions don't go anywhere. They get stored in our energy and our bodies, stacking up...
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