Your Soul Star Chakra & the Soul's Blueprint

Each of us has a divinely orchestrated path.

A path that we laid out while still in Spirit in our Soul's Blueprint.


Your Soul Star Chakra is this incredible  gem in your energy field. It is your own personal connection between your Higher Self & the Cosmos. It is also where your Soul's Blueprint is held along with all of the experiences and lessons your Soul has incarnated here to have and has done in past lives. This is where you Soul Purpose lives. That calling you are here to experience in this lifetime. 

Think of the Soul Star as the part of yourself that exists outside of this human experience. The part of you that has a broader view of your life and is watching over you with love and compassion. It is able to give you guidance and support in your life. 

As you move throughout lifetimes, it holds a record of the lessons you've mastered and the ones that you need to work on a bit more. When we talk about Past Lives, this is the chakra you use...

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Soul Purpose: Which Path Are You On?

Your Soul Purpose is this incredible blueprint that shows you who you intended to be in this lifetime and what your absolute highest potential is. It holds the talents, wisdom, inspiration & growth that your Soul is showing up for every single day. When you know with Clarity what that is, you show up with Intention and everything in your life begins to unfold in a miraculous way.

Soul Purpose is where your greatest gifts meet your greatest lessons so you can reach your own Highest Potential.

As you start to dive into the question of "What am I here to experience in this life" there are a couple of themes you can look out for. Most of us are on a journey that falls into one or more of these major categories but how you carry it can look completely different from the next person. Use this simple guide to see which ones you feel most called to. Some you will know are personal and work that you are meant to do simply for yourself and others you will feel called to help others...

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Understanding the Heart Chakra


The Heart Chakra is the 4th Chakra in the 7 System Chakra System and helps to connect the lower 3 Chakras with the upper 3 Chakras (it’s kind of a like an energetic bridge!) It is considered the center of love and regulates our relationships, self care, emotions and our ability to balance our needs & desires with those of others.

When this powerful center is balanced you feel a sense of “wholeness” that allows you to “follow your heart” which means you are able to live from a higher place instead of from need or compulsion. When you are living from a place of balance within this chakra you find it easier to establish healthy boundaries, identify what you want from life & your connection to others is more fulfilling & healthy.


When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced you may notice that you are unable to identify your own needs, dreams or desires for your life. Imbalances can...

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What is a Heartwall?

Have you ever felt like you couldn't really connect to the good feelings & great life you KNOW you were meant to create?

The Heartwall is a very particular layer of energy that we build around the Heart anytime that we feel like it's going to break and we won't be able to survive. It is formed in the moments when we feel too vulnerable & unprotected. 

Little by little we take the unprocessed emotions we are holding onto and build this layer of protection around the heart. Adding inch by inch over the years to keep ourselves safe. Being able to identify and release those emotions can be lifechanging. It is the invitation to show up in your life more authentically as yourself & to be able to truly connect with the people and experiences that light you up. Below are some of the ways that the Heartwall can impact you.


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